The project "Setting up of an alert system for SONEB's water cuts and education to drinking water hygiene using NICTs", called SAC-TIC, initiated by the Country Water Partnership of Benin (CWP-Benin) has been elaborated by a set of structures composed of the CWP-Benin, the Pan-African Intergovernmental Agency for Water (WSA), and the National Water Company (SONEB) and the private operator, SOLUTIS.
This project is funded by VIA WATER, a Dutch programme for financing innovations in urban water management. The objective of the project is to improve the quality of drinking water for the population of the city of Cotonou in Benin by reducing the risks of pollution of water consumed as a result of cuts and breakdowns in the SONEB network through a system of alert and advice based on mobile phones.
This phase of the project is a pilot one, which will later be taken over by SONEB, to extend it throughout its water distribution network.