Benin, Mekrou pilot project to sensitize populations

The pilot project of CWP Benin aiming at the sustainable management of the head of the Mékrou river basin and climate change started with the organization of the contest of songs of sensitization by the traditional orchestras on 21 December 2016 in Yakabissi-center.

Four (04) orchestras of the county were in competition. They are the orchestras of Yakabissi, Birni-Maro, Birni-Pébirou and Kouboro.

At the end of the competition, the Birni-Maro and the Yakabissi Orchestras were retained as first and second place winners respectively. The winners were rewarded. The first price consists of a power generator and the second price is a sound mixing device.Villageois

A second activity carried out aims to reduce substantially the pressure exerted by the populations of the locality of Yakabissi on the head of the Mékrou river basin where the forest resources are taken to satisfy the domestic energy needs. A relatively simple but efficient technology on the manufacture and use of improved fireplaces WANROU is initiated. This type of ovens reduces fuelwood consumption, which is one of the main fuels used by households in the locality.OrchestreOrchestre1

In order to ensure the success of this process, a survey was carried out to evaluate the use and maintenance of the WANROU improved fireplaces by the households in which they were built.

It emerges the need to promote "WANROU ovens" with needs of improved fireplaces and increase the number of women to be trained on their design in the three identified hamlets / neighbourhoods.
