Burkina Faso, TFTC sensitize school students on the importance of protecting environment and good hygiene practices

CWP-BF facilitated an awareness-raising session for students on environmental protection and human health in partnership with GWP-WA and IWS as part of the implementation of the TonFuturTonClimat pilot project funded by the Government of Quebec. This awareness session aimed at strengthening the technical capacities of the beneficiaries of the village of Ramitenga and surrounding areas was held on 05 February 2020 in the primary schools of Ramitenga and Goué.

The session was attended by about 600 pupils from 3 schools and facilitated by a technical officer of the Manegdbzanga Association of Loumbila.

These pupils from the rural commune of Loumbila were sensitized on the importance of the environmental protection in Burkina Faso and good hygiene practices in order to catalyze behavioral changes in this area. Specifically, this sensitization session helped to raise awareness on the major bad practices such as abusive wood cutting, bush fires and animal raving, to know the impact of these practices on the environment, to know and master the main means to fight against these harmful practices, to learn about the good practices of body care, clothing and nutritional hygiene and to propose adequate solutions for the protection and safeguarding of their environment.

The inspectorate of basic education District of Loumbila gave its assistance by providing two of its hygiene and environment officers to work with the CWP-BF. The inspectorate mobilized the teachers of the beneficiary schools with all their pupils.

At the end of the activity, personalized gadgets with the TFTC logo (notebooks, kits, bags) were given to all the pupils. Each of the three schools also received a hand washing equipment for hand hygiene. The initiative was appreciated by the inspectorate as well as the directors of the different schools who requested that it be carried out in the other schools. The students were all happy to participate in the activity.