Burkina Faso, the NDA discusses climate financing with stakeholders

The Burkina Faso Prime Minister represented by the Minister of Environment opened on 26 March 2019 a meeting on a national structured dialogue on Green Climate Funds organized by the National Designated Agency (NDA) under the office of the Prime Minister.

The structured dialogue framework pursues the overall objective of strengthening the synergy of actions between stakeholders for a more effective mobilization of Green Climate Fund financing for Burkina Faso. The aim is to inform stakeholders of the progress of the implementation of the Preparation Programme projects, to exchange information on potential pipeline projects, to share information on the commitments and ambitions towards Burkina Faso of the various accredited entities, entities applying for accreditation as well as delivery partners to the Green Climate Fund. The meeting also discussed the institutional format for setting up a formal framework for a national structured dialogue on the Green Climate Fund.

At the opening of the meeting, the Minister of the Environment, accompanied by his colleague in charge of energy, recalled the importance of this dialogue and the challenges for Burkina Faso to face the negative effects of climate change with the support of its financial partners.

Several national, bilateral and multilateral partners took part in this first meeting, including the African Development Bank (AfDB), the West African Development Bank (BOAD), several national and regional NGOs including GWP-West Africa.

The participants recommended that the NDA ensures that information on the Green Climate Fund and access conditions is disseminated to stakeholders at all levels, to ensure that the capacities of national stakeholders are strengthened in terms of designing bankable climate projects and that the consultation framework is sustainable so that stakeholders can meet at least once a year.