Climate change, village meetings to raise community awareness in Benin

The Youth Network for the Green Economy (REJEVE) in Benin organized on 19 and 20 February 2019 in the villages of Yakabissi, Makrou Birkou, Camp Peulh Tamande, Goufanrou and Birni the village assemblies.

The organization of the village meetings is part of the process of popularizing improved stoves in the communities bordering the head of the Mekrou Basin. The aim is to raise community awareness on climate change, the importance of improved stoves, the identification of beneficiaries of training on improved stoves and the definition of a roadmap for the extension of improved stoves.

The baseline survey conducted in November 2018 showed that 100% of households use wood energy for their domestic and production needs. To ensure the sustainability of the ecosystems at the head of the Basin, and the adaptation of communities to climate change, it is necessary to promote technologies that reduce wood consumption in households and for agro-food processing units.

77% of the women surveyed proposed the adoption of improved stoves for low wood consumption, reduced risk of smoke and burns, and quick cooking. REJEVE is in charged by the TonFuturTonclimat Project of the component on households’ energy organized these village meetings.

A total of 102 women and young people participated in the meetings in 5 villages, 15 participants were selected to attend the training sessions.