CWP Benin supports local IWRM promotion initiatives

To support local authorities in the development of initiatives to promote Integrated Water Resources Management, CWP-Benin in partnership with Protos highlighted 4 initiatives for the economic development and local governance of water from artesian boreholes in the Mono basin.

The support is part of the implementation of the 4th phase of the Multi Year Programme (MYP) and is based on an action research approach. CWP-Benin mobilized the Health Research and Action Group for Sustainable Development (GRAS), an NGO member of the Mono Local Water Partnership (PLE) to conduct a participatory development process for the management plan of the 4 pilot sites in the municipalities of Athieme (Locality: Admè), Bopa (Locality: Dandévèhounhoué), Dogbo (locality: Houéganmè) and Lalo (locality: Zounhomè).

The management plans, drawn up on behalf of the management committees of these sites and the town halls concerned, remain a tool for planning the sustainable management of the 4 sites for the continuous service of water for the various uses. Four axes have been defined, namely: (i) the development of developed areas; (ii) sustainable water management; (iii) access to agricultural inputs; and (iv) the marketing of agricultural products. The activities identified are planned over 5 years.

The relevance of this planning tool has attracted the support of all stakeholders since the beginning of the development process. Thus, the two validation workshops, organised on 24 April 2018 in Bopa on behalf of the two communes of the Mono department and on 25 April 2018 in Lalo for those of the Couffo department, were attended respectively by the Mayor of the Commune of Bopa and the Departmental Director of Water and Mines of the Mono and Couffo. Alongside, the Executive Secretary of CWP-Benin and the chairs of the PLE of Mono and Couffo, they successively chaired the two workshops in the presence of the members of the management committee of each site, the project leaders and the project focal points within each of the town halls concerned. 

Participants expressed satisfaction on the quality of the work carried out by the NGO GRAS and on the contribution of each participant for the finalization of the management plans. The next meeting is scheduled in one year to assess the implementation of the activities of the first year and the planning of those of the second year.