Guinea, the CWP meets with the Executive Secretary of the NGO APHEG

On 16 August 2018, the Executive Secretary of CWP Guinea had a meeting with Mr. Aziz Diallo, Executive Secretary of the Association for the Promotion of Hygiene and Environmental Protection (APHEG),

 who presented him with a project on the protection of the head source and the upstream catchment area of the Konkouré River using anti-erosion and agroforestry measures in the villages bordering the urban commune of Mamou and the rural commune of Konkouré, Mamou prefecture. 

Mr. Diallo outlined the objectives of the project and indicated that he had approached the Ministry of Energy, in particular the management of the Hydraulics Fund, to request support for the project. He said that these authorities have suggested him to work with the CWP to give a special character to the project through the broad participation of water sector stakeholders.

The Executive Secretary of the CWP congratulated and encouraged the NGO APHEG for this beneficial initiative, which comes at a time when the Konkouré River, home to the country's main dams, is undergoing a major degradation of its watershed. He recalled that the protection of this watershed is crucial for the security of Guinea's electricity production.