GWP WA Chair and Executive Secretary meet authorities and partners in Niger

The Chair, Executive Secretary and Communication and Knowledge Management Officer of GWP-WA paid a support visit to the Country Water Partnership (CWP) of Niger from 09 to 14 April 2018. The purpose of the visit was to provide support to the Niger CWP for greater visibility among the authorities and strategic partners in the country in order to accompany it in carrying out its missions. The delegation accompanied by the CWP had meetings with authorities and some strategic partners.

Meeting the Minister of Hydraulics and Sanitation

MHAOn April 12, 2018, despite a very busy program due to the critical situation of the water level in the Niger River in the treatment units for the supply of the city of Niamey. Professor Katambé ISSOUFOU, the Minister, surrounded by his closest collaborators, indicated that as the Ministry in charge, his department, very concerned by water issues, welcomes with open arms all those working in the water sector.

After having his collaborators recall the different areas of collaboration with the GWP network at the national, regional and global levels, the Minister suggested that financing water-related actions was crucial. He recalled the commitment in the emergency program of thirty thousand (30,000) water points which is facing a delay in its implementation precisely because of funding problems. Pr. ISSOUFOU requested GWP’s support in advocacy actions in favor of Niger.

Reacting to the request of the GWP-WA chair, Professor Amadou Hama MAIGA, the Minister reiterated his political support to the GWP at national and regional level.

Other meetings

During their stay, the delegation had exchange meetings with the Permanent Secretariat of the CWP-Niger, the Country Director of Eau Vive Niger, the Acting Director of the African Centre for Meteorological Applications for Development (ACMAD) and his collaborators, the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), the Director General of Water Resources (DGRE), the Director General of the CILSS AGRHYMET Regional Centre and his collaborators, the Executive Secretary of the Niger Basin Authority (NBA), the Nexus technical advisor for NBA GIZ support, the Permanent Secretary of the National IWRM Action Plan (SP/PANGIRE) and his collaborators.

ABNEverywhere, the delegation received a warm welcome with fruitful exchanges that made it possible to make the CWP better known and to draw up serious avenues of collaboration for the CWP.

During the debriefing session CWP Niger considered that this visit would a new dynamism and they would explore the areas of open collaborations with the partners met.

ACMADThe Chair and the Executive Secretary invited the CWP to give its partners motivations for greater mobilization by setting up the various bodies, to follow up the collaboration framework with Eau Vive and to develop an implementation plan for the various projects.

New paths of collaboration were discussed with NBA, AGHRYMET, good perspectives opened between GWP-WA and ICRISAT on the one hand and GWP-WA and ACMAD on the other hand. As part of the collaboration on Nexus initiatives, there are good opportunities to collaborate with the GIZ/NBA support project.

Pangire  PANGIRE