GWP-WA receives visit from new WSA ES

Hobah Pierre ROGOTO, the new Executive Secretary of the Pan African Agency Water and Sanitation (WSA) together with three of his staff were received on 7 May 2018 by the regional secretariat of GWP-WA. The visitors explained that this was a courtesy visit to one of their main partners after the crisis that WSA has undergone for the last years.

New plans are being developed to build new foundations for the institution which counts on GWP’s support to reach goal. The new ES said how eager his institution is to renew special collaboration with GWP WA which it used to host when still known as CREPA.
Armand HOUANYE, regional coordinator of GWP WA congratulated Mr. ROGOTO for his designation as ES of WSA and ensured him of GWP’s good will to support as needed his institution overcome this transition period. He informed the visitor that GWP’s Strategy is ending next year and reflections are being done for the development of a new Strategy focusing SDGs.
Both institutions agreed to designate focal points to ease communication between them. A memorandum of understand will soon be signed between them.