GWP-WA to follow up the Water ChangeMakers Awards in West Africa

GWP has launched on World Water Day 2020, March 22 a new initiative that seeks to highlight experiences in the way water decisions have built climate resilience around the world.

The initiative is welcome in West Africa where many partners organizations show interest since the publication of the first news on it. Like all other regions GWP West Africa is committed to follow up with Country Water Partnerships (CWPs) and partner organizations the communication and visibility on the initiative around the region.

The Regional Secretariat has dedicated a lot of time in making the initiative accessible to Francophones around the World and inciting regional actors to submit their change journeys from April 6.

In addition to online tools like the Website, social media networks (Facebook, Tweeter), high level individuals and organizations plus CWPs will be contacted directly to relay the initiative to encourage and facilitate submissions.

Submit your ChangeMaker journey