This workshop is supported by the component B of the second phase of the Water, Hygiene and Sanitation Programme (ProSEHA2) of the GIZ, the OmiDelta Governance Programme/NSA Funds with SNV and the Multy Year Programme (MYP) with the NGO Protos.
It aims to contribute to the harmonization of the approach to the establishment and operation of Local Water Committees (LWCs) in Benin. The workshop was chaired by the General Directorate for Water (DGEau) and attended by about forty participants from the DGEau; the Departmental Directorates for Water and Mines (DDEM) of Atacora, Ouémé, Mono and Atlantique; the National Water Institute (INE/UAC); the Local Water Partnerships (PLE); SNV; GIZ/ProSEHA; the LWCs of Mékrou, Toho and Djètoè and the OmiDelta IWRM/NE Funds project holders such as VNG, CIDR and Protos.
Information on the texts already adopted and those in preparation relating to the LWCs were shared on the one hand; and on the other hand, participants learned about the different approaches for setting up the prefiguration bodies.