Launch of the reforestation campaign by the #TFTC 2 Project in Benin

The project team of TonFuturTonClimat of Benin has officially launched the reforestation actions by the Mayor of Tanguieta (in northern Benin) in the presence of the Executive Secretary of CWP-Benin, the heads of the Local Committee of Water (CLE), the departmental forestry officer, the communal unit of the territorial agency of agricultural development and several other guests.

The reforestation actions will allow the restoration of the ecosystem of the Tchoutchoubou River on the one hand; and on the other hand, the establishment of a mango orchard.

The official launch of the reforestation actions at the level of the hydrographic unit took place on June 1st, 2022, on one of the identified sites.

The planting operations of 2,000 selected mango trees and 10,000 forestry plants are spread over the period covering the months of May to July 2022. Monitoring and maintenance will continue until November 2022.

The activity was attended by a hundred participants from stakeholders such as the Mayor, the Head of the Central District and the Second Deputy Mayor of Tanguiéta, the members of the CLE, the Youth Association, the users and the riverside residents, the Prefecture.

The Authorities and other responsible persons have committed themselves to take care of the seedlings planted, and to continue the planting action thus launched

TFTC is financed by the Government of Quebec, GWP, CDC, Agence de l'Eau Artois- Picardie and implemented by ISW, GWP-WA and CWP Benin.