SDG/SP in Mali activities

Mali has started phase 2 of the SDG Support Programme aiming at accelerating the implementation of IWRM to contribute to achieve the SDG 6 in the country.

The National Directorate of Water (DNH) together with the CWP have set up a technical group of eleven (11) including the Director of Water, the women, water users, finance, agricultural and territorial departments that had a meeting on 12 August 2020 to validate two ToRs, one on the study that aims at establishing the status and operationalization of the National Water Council and the second on the validation workshop of the consultant report of this study. The bid was advertised, and the consultant firm will be soon recruited to carry out the study in December.

The technical group met on 28 November 2020 to discuss the development of the ToRs aiming at capitalizing the experiences from Burkina Faso on the establishment of the Financial Contribution for Water (CFE) to support finance mobilization at national level to support the development and management of water resources. The drafts of the ToRs are expected on 15 December 2020.