TFTC benefitting to 45,000 individuals in three countries, project review meeting says

From 2 to 4 September 2019 in Lomé and Danyi-Apéyémé-Todome in Togo, GWP-WA and its partners CWP Benin, CWP Burkina Faso, Eau Vive Internationale Togo and the ISW met to review the implementation of the three country microprojects in order to draw lessons and recommendations to be taken into account for the consolidation of the results and the scaling up of the initiative.

The TonFuturTonClimat (TFTC) project was officially launched at the regional level in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, on 28 and 29 November 2017.

A field visit to the project site in Dany-Apéyémé-Todome in Togo as part of the review meeting allowed handing over some equipment to beneficiaries.

The following successes were highlighted by the meeting:

  • A population of 335 individuals directly benefits from the project and 45,000 individuals indirectly;
  • In the capacity building component 14 training sessions for students, young farmers, women and men on various themes were carried out. These trainings included general issues related to climate change, project planning, implementation and monitoring, awareness and promotion of good hygiene and sanitation practices, composting, plant production, nursery production and maintenance.
  • Around 208 people benefited from ecosystem restoration and conservation actions and nearly 25,000 trees were planted and 2,593 kilograms of compost produced.
  • 3 new small businesses are set up and the economic activities of 10 associations are strengthened.

At the end of the two days of indoor work, a self-assessment of the actions carried out at the global, regional and national levels was carried out as well as the updating of the schedules for the timely implementation of the remaining actions for year 2 of the initiative. A consensual roadmap for closing the initiative and strengthening the operational bases for its scaling up was defined.