TFTC Burkina is promoting organic agricultural fertilization

A CWP Burkina and GWP-WA team including the regional Project Officer, a Young Professional and the Executive Secretary of the CWP-BF, visited Koankin in the rural commune of Saponé to monitor and observe the effective start of composting activities as part of the implementation of the TFTC project in Burkina Faso.

The mission provided support to the CWP-Burkina Faso and its partner Green Cross to promote knowledge sharing, conduct a summary evaluation of the quality of training and establish a production baseline at the project site. The Monitoring was to ensure that the biomass was collected smoothly, the good preparation of the composting area, the involvement of beneficiaries in the activity, and the smooth running of the training.

At the end of the 02 days of planning, theoretical and practical training, a 9m3 compost pile was made by the beneficiaries under the supervision of the trainers. 52 kits were also given to 52 beneficiaries, all young people including about 21.15% women for the replication of the exercise. This follow-up strengthened the beneficiaries' convictions regarding the commitment of CWP-BF, GWP-WA and other TFTC project partners to ensure the smooth running of project activities.  

The TFTC Project funded by the Government of Quebec (Canada) is jointly implemented by the International Secretariat for Water (ISW), the Global Water Partnership West Africa (GWP-WA), Eau Vive Togo and the Country Water Partnerships of Benin and Burkina Faso.