Togo, TFTC keeps women and youth engagement high for a rural sustainable development

Some associations have started making their own compost after the assistance they were given two weeks ago with some inputs including a box of "mycotri" and bags of chicken droppings. They have started their production activities including heat and humidity control, substrate decomposition degree and maintenance activities such as pile turning, and watering were carried out.

Other associations, during April 2019, prepared the remaining local inputs for the start of their composting activity. Each association will have to mobilize local inputs such as dead tree leaves and legume leaves to make compost for use in members' fields.

This activity is to encourage young agro-pastoralists to use and adopt organic fertilizers at the expense of chemical fertilizers whose impacts on the soil are quite disastrous.

TogoA meeting with the group of women sensitizers was held prior to the start of mass sensitization activities to update them on the concepts received during the training of trainers done two weeks ago. The discussions focused on the use of PHAST tools and the internal organization of the women's sensitization group and the outcome generating activities (OGA) to be implemented. This OGA is needed to maintain cohesion within the group, improve women's income over the long term and sustain awareness activities even beyond the project.

As part of their voluntary involvement in a local citizenship development action in compliance with their training commitment, the young beneficiaries have arranged during the month of April 2019 the access road leading to the hydraulic dam that supplies the city of Danyi-Apéyémé with drinking water. This road was degraded with the rains during the rainy season, making it difficult for the Togolese water company to access the water collection site for drinking water supply. 

The TFTC Project funded by the Government of Quebec (Canada) is jointly implemented by the International Secretariat for Water (ISW), the Global Water Partnership West Africa (GWP-WA), Eau Vive Togo and the Country Water Partnerships of Benin and Burkina Faso.