This initiative led by the CWP-Benin (which chairs CANEA) in collaboration with USAID/Muniwash and SGDS-GN for a synergy of actions with the latter aims to strengthen their capacities in terms of standards to be respected for emptying and dumping. USAID/Muniwash is already involved in supporting the professionalization of these waste-pickers.
The training was held on November 16 and 17, 2022 and was attended by more than 45 participants, including 25 AVIPRO waste-pickers, and other actors involved in the management of sewage sludge in Benin. They are actors of the Society of Waste Management and sanitation of Grand Nokoué (SGDS-GN), CANEA, the structure "ALLO Vidange" and the city hall of Abomey-Calavi.
The Grand Nokoué includes five communes in southern Benin (Cotonou, Porto-Novo, Sémè-Podji, Abomey-Calavi and Ouidah).
This workshop, which followed the session to identify the training needs of the waste-pickers, held in October 2022, helped to improve the knowledge of the waste-pickers on the regulatory texts of sanitation in Benin through the appropriation of the standards to be followed for the emptying.
CWP-Benin benefited from the technical support of MuniWash/USAID and SGDS-GN for the communications.
At the end of the workshop, a roadmap was adopted including among others:
- The organization of an extraordinary General Assembly within AVIPRO.
- The restitution of the training workshop's achievements to other members who did not take part in this workshop.
The organization of meetings with the partners of the sector by AVIPRO, in order to inform them of the restructuring in progress within the waste-pickers.