An inventory of information on vulnerabilities, capacities, exposure and risks (VCER) for floods and drought in the Volta basin was carried earlier. National consultations with various agencies (hydrological and meteorological services, civil protection, geographical and environmental institutes, water resources, Country water partnerships, etc.) of the six Volta countries between October and December 2019. The consultation meetings with the agencies / institutes were used to collect information and data on end-to-end early warning system capacities and needs for flood and drought forecasting. Baseline analysis on current capacities, needs and recommendations for the development of transboundary flood and drought risk maps and early warning system (VOLTALARM) was drafted. Because of the Covid-19 pandemic the results of the analysis could not be presented as planned earlier.
About 30 participants took part in the national technical workshop in Accra representatives of the Departments in charge of water resources, of meteorology, civil protection, country water partnership, research institutes on water and climate change, the institute in charge of geography, the national authorities designated by the Adaptation Fund, resource persons. It contributed to reach a common understanding of the gaps, limitations and opportunities of each aspect of the Early Warning System and identify the feasible actions to be implemented within the framework of the VFDM project.