VFDM project for nature-based solutions for integrated flood and drought management

Nature-based solutions as a mechanism of response to floods and droughts in the #Volta basin is the title of the regional workshop held in #Ouagadougou on June 15-16, 2021.

The workshop is organized by VBA, WMO, GWP-WA and IUCN as part of the implementation of the activities of the project « Integrating Flood and Drought Management and Early Warning for Climate Change Adaptation in the Volta Basin » funded by the Adaptation Fund. This project is implemented by WMO, Volta Basin Authority and Global Water Partnership in West Africa - GWP-WA.

The regional workshop has been planned to present and promote the role of ecosystems and their services in the decision-making process related to climate, risks and disasters. It aims to inform the various actors concerned about the Ecosystems Red List and the Wetlands Integrated Guidelines, with a view to promoting nature-based solutions to meet climate change adaptation and disasters needs in the Volta Basin.

Participants from sectors related water resources, environment, disaster risk management, meteorology, etc., from the six (6) countries and other participants from the host country Burkina Faso (Ouagadougou and the interior of the country gathered face to face). Other stakeholders participated online, i.e. the consultants that presented the themes by video-conference.

The Minister of Water and Sanitation of Burkina Faso, Mr. Ousmane NACRO presided over the opening ceremony.