WACDEP-G Africa Water Investment Programme: Gender Equality in Water Security and Climate Resilient Development in Africa

The West Africa coordination of the WACDEP-G project with Benin team held on 23 December 2020 the inception meeting of the programme in Cotonou, Benin. This meeting is part of the AIP WACDEP-G. The goal of the Africa Water Investment Programme is to transform and improve the investment outlook for water security and sustainable sanitation for a prosperous, peaceful and equitable society.

The overall objective is to enhance job creation through gender sensitive investments in water security, industrialization and climate resilient development.

41 participants attended the workshop representing sectoral ministry departments (relevant technical directorates and Gender and Environment Units), civil society organizations or associations and private sector, technical and financial partners, etc.

The official ceremony of the workshop took place under the chairmanship of Mr. Constant HOUNDENOU, Technical Adviser for Sustainable Development at the Ministry of the Living Environment and Sustainable Development, representing the Minister. He was assisted by Mr. Philippe ADJOMAYI, Director General of Water; Prof. Euloge AGBOSSOU, Chair of CWP-Benin and Mr. Yaovi Joseph KOGBE, WACDEP-G Regional Program Officer representing GWP-WA.

Many communications were made followed by interesting and fruitful debates. At the end of the various exchanges, the main recommendations adopted by participants included:

- mobilizing Civil Society Organizations, particularly those concerned with the defense of women's rights, in the implementation of the program.

- Reviewing the recommendation of the gender analysis document, relating to the mandate of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Microfinance, in the context of gender promotion (reflection on the form and institutional hierarchical positioning of the structure in charge of gender promotion).

- Ensuring the linkage of the program's activities with the document of the Ten-Year Framework of Action for Accelerating the Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals.

- Considering the intervention of the diaspora in contributing to Water Security and Climate Resilience.

- Considering the results of the sector vulnerability study (water) to Climate Change in the implementation of program activities.

- Prioritizing a holistic programmatic approach to the implementation of the demonstration projects.

- Dedicating a specific window to the private sector in the FNEC calls for projects

- Considering the Transformational Gender Approach in the ongoing revision of the decrees and orders implementing the law on water management in Benin.

The meeting was considered to have high quality inputs to improving climate resilient sustainable development with gender transformative approach.