The Patron of CWP Burkina Faso makes a WWD declaration

Many activities were carried out in Burkina Faso where the CWP has chosen the Larlé Naaba TIGRE as a Patron early February 2018.

Seizing this opportunity, the CWP Patron together with the CWP chair Alfred Dibi MILLOGO have cosigned a declaration reminding of the stakes of water security. They “call on the good will and those wishing to support the mission of CWP Burkina Faso, that of bringing together all actors in the water sector around an ideal that is the promotion of measures and practices of Integrated Water Resources Management in Burkina Faso”.

The situation of the three water reservoirs in Ouagadougou is pointed out in the declaration as an urgent and important thing to address. “These reservoirs are facing pollution, degradation, anthropogenic aggression that are threatening the integrity of the resource and jeopardizing the ecological development”, the declaration states.

The CWP Burkina is committing “to develop a communication strategy on the issues and challenges of the dams of Ouagadougou so that can bring an added value to the development of the capital city and the urban populations”.

The declaration ends by requesting “the civic commitment of all for the safeguarding, the restoration” of these dams which are vital for mobilizing water for the city of Ouagadougou and its surroundings.