Ghana: Second interaction with WACDEP field partners and leaders of WACDEP beneficiary communities

Ghana Country Water Partnership (CWP-Ghana) organised a two (2) days interaction session with the communities and institutions involved in the water security and climate resilient development field demonstration project. This was a follow up to the discussions held with the implementing partners in November, 2015. This took place on 12th and 13th April, 2016. The visit was carried out by the Communications Officer of WACDEP Ghana and members of the Project Coordination team from the White Volta Basin Office led by the Project Assistant of the Coordination Unit.

The interactions were held with officials of Forest Services Division of Forestry Commission and District Department of Agriculture from the Bongo and Binduri districts and Bawku Municipality and leaders of the Adaboya and Azum Sapelga communities.

The purpose of this interaction was to increase understanding on the ongoing field activities and to identify the issues arising from community mobilization for project implementation.

Discussions were held individually with the partners and community leaders independently. A joint partner discussion was held with implementing partners from Bawku Municipal Assembly and Binduri District Assembly. This took place at the conference room of Bawku Municipal Agriculture department. Leaders of two Farmer Based Organisations in Azum Sapelga and the Assembly man and Queen mother of Adaboya were also interviewed to gather their views on the project. A visit was made to the site of the mango plantation in the Adaboya community led by the women of the village, Assemblyman and the implementing partners.

Some of the issues arising from the interactions were the need to encourage more interactions between communities and implementing partners involved in the project by organizing a “Learn and Share Forum” to serve as a platform for them to exchange ideas towards driving progress of work as well as the innovative way each community has adopted in the project implementation process.