Guinea, the CWP discuss with visiting partners

The CWP Guinea was visited by a team of consultant working on the evolutions in the Senegal basin transboundary environemental diagnosis analysis developed in 2006 and the need for revising it. The discussions included also how the CWP could play a more active role in the second phase of the IWRM programme (PGIRE) of OMVS, the present state of the Senegal basin, present trends of hydrological data in the basin, the environmental degradation and the Gender mainstreaming.

The second visitors of the CWP were members of the national coordination of Niger Basin resources users (CNU) that is looking to strengthen partnership at national level with various organisations. The CNU has recruited a technical assistant in the frame of the Global Water Initiative and the opportunity was seized to introduce him to the CWP.

It was agreed with visitors to work together in common interest areas to improve water governance and management of natural resources in the country.