Implementing WACDEP: MoU signed with VBA

The MoU signed on April 9, 2013 in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso aims at "formalizing the commitment of both parties to agree on how to use funds made available to the VBA for the implementation of WACDEP activities."

This first agreement of an amount of Euros 70,000 takes into account activities of two categories. That is the assessment of the current situation of water resources and climate change in the Volta Basin and the support to the development of a master plan for the VBA’s sustainable management of water resources and climate resilience.
This protocol sets out the obligations and responsibilities for each party. It says for example that GWP / WA "will put at the disposal of the VBA financial and material resources to carry out its mission, if necessary support VBA in the execution of some activities." VBA in its turn "should ensure transparent and efficient use of funds, produce and make available technical and financial reports every three months, initiate discussion meetings with GWP/WA on the management of this Protocol and the results obtained.»
The Water Climate and Development Programme (WACDEP) is an initiative of the Global Water Partnership in response to the request of the African Ministers' Council on Water to help meet the commitments of the Heads of State at the Summit of 2008 in Sharma el Sheikh to promote water security as a key element of sustainable development of the countries and regions covered by the program. It is funded by a consortium of partners including DANIDA and DFID. In West Africa, Burkina Faso and Ghana are involved in the WACDEP through the Country Water Partnerships (CWP) in addition to the Volta Basin Authority under the coordination of GWP-Africa West.