Integrity workshop: new tools experienced at local level in Benin

During the first quarter of 2013, CWP-Benin was busy with the final work (technical and financial reports, project final report; capitalization report) of the Multiannual program to support Water and sanitation sector (PPEA) phase I implemented by CWP-Benin which was completed in December 2012. Similarly, the CWP has also participated actively in the formulation and the launching of phase 2 of the program which will run over three years from 2013 to 2015.

This workshop organized on February 26, 2013 gathered civil society organizations, members of the municipality of Klouékanmè, consumer association.

The main objective of the workshop is to apply annotated assessment tools of the subsector of drinking water in rural areas in the municipality of Klouékanmè in order to establish its position in terms of integrity on the one hand, and target improvement to implement the other actions on the other one.
Annotated assessment is developed by the WIN (Water Integrity Network), which is an international network bringing together organizations and individuals who are assigned the task of fighting corruption in the sector and to promote integrity. This network supports the players in this dynamic in Benin in collaboration with the ministries concerned and the Country Water Partnership of Benin (Benin CWP).
Indeed, Annotated Assessment can provide a rapid assessment of the situation of integrity in the water sector in a country, region or locality, through an analysis of the pillars of Integrity that are Transparency, Accountability and Participation. Also, it helps to identify the key areas where action must be taken. Therefore, Annotated Assessment can take stock of the progress of integrity in the sector on the one hand, and to identify the suitable actions to promote good governance in that sector on the other.
The Annotated Assessment tool focuses on five key risk areas namely: i) Policy and Legislation (PL), ii) regulation (R), iii) Projects and Programs Investments (PPI), iv) Provision of Services (PS) and v) Anti-Corruption Measures (MAC).
The municipality of Klouékanmè was targeted for its good governance efforts recognized beyond the borders of our country.
At the end of the workshop, participants said they learned a lot about this tool and its usefulness for improving water governance. A roadmap for after workshop follow up was developed for monitoring learning outcomes.