Result from the 2023 SDG 6.5.1 Stakeholder Consultation Process in Cambodia

SDG 6.5.1 Support Programme

Water Accounting and Allocation Training II

Water Scarcity Program in Indonesia

Result from the Stakeholder Consultation for 2023 Report Cycle in Malaysia

SDG 6.5.1 Support Program

in Accelerating WASH Access through Micro-Credit in Indonesia


Accelerating the adoption of innovations to accelerate progress towards water security

Water Security - IWRM Regional Conference

GWP-SEA looking for a collaboration with Coca-Cola Euro Pacific for their Water Replenishment Program

From a Webinar Series into a prospective project

Innovative Solution for Water Secure World and Sustainable Development #4

Is a perfect sanitation system without the need for desludging Exist?

MoU Signing on the Global Water Changemakers

Press Release

Open Program Once Again Featured at the Global Stages

GWP-SEA at the 2023 UN Water Conference

Accelerating Change to Solve Water and Sanitation Crisis through Open Program and WASH E-Survey

World Water Day 2023


No upcoming events.

Learn more about the Open Program

Integrated Water Security Open Program

The critical aspect of Integrated water resources management (IWRM) has been to provide guidance on how to manage water in an integrated manner as the water is the key driver of economic and social development, Thus, it is imperative that water issues are not considered in isolation.

The Integrated Water Security Open Program (IWSOP), an online platform and support facility, aims to mobilize action and activity in support of achieving water security goals and the implementation of  IWRM (SDG) principles through the provision of a space for sharing of knowledge and expertise among different actors that engage in multi-stakeholder water resources management, and the development of human and financial capacity enabling real-time sharing of information, alignment of efforts, periodic updates of contribution and the establishment of a strategic and integrated approach for action and investment in the water sector leading to socioeconomic and environmental benefits in the region through increased investment in appropriate infrastructure, empowerment of marginalized or vulnerable groups, and more sustainable use of resources.

Learn more here

Learn more about GWP-SEA youth program

GWP-SEA Water academy for Youth

What is GWP-SEA Water Academy for Youth (WAY)?

The world is defined by the people who live in it and GWP believes that young people are the present and future leaders that hold the power to build a more sustainable future.

In 2021, GWP launched the Water Academy for Youth (WAY) GWP’s flagship Youth Programme that will be the umbrella programme for GWP’s Youth activities aimed to promote leadership, regional youth capacity building, mentorships, fellowships/internships, networking and intergenerational dialogues.

The GWP WAY is a customisable programme that can be adapted to the needs of the region or country that is implementing the programme. The programme revolves around the acceleration of the SDGs and improving the skills of young leaders.

Finds out about GWP-SEA WAY, 2022 cohort here.

New Report is available

Progress on IWRM in the Asia-Pacific Region 2021

Since 2017, the Global Water Partnership (GWP) has partnered with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the UNEP-DHI Centre, and Cap-Net to assist governments in monitoring and accelerating progress towards Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) indicator 6.5.1— the degree of implementation of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM).

Based on the analysis of country responses to the 2020 Data Drive on that indicator, as well as interviews with focal points and an online Learning Exchange, we are pleased to present the "Progress on Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) in the Asia-Pacific Region 2021: Learning exchange on monitoring and implementation towards SDG 6.5.1" .  We had launched the report online to coincide with the Stockholm Water Week 2021, during the Asia Focus session: Accelerating inclusive water governance to advance sustainable development. Check this page for details

GWP Strategy 2020-2025

GWP has launced its new Strategy for 2020-2025 - Mobilising for a Water Secure World. The Strategy,, and a Summary of its main points, is available to download along with the other GWP Strategy Documents, Throughout the 2019 autumn, the Strategy is being launched at different events in all GWP regions, include in the Southeast Asia (click here for details).

In Southeast Asia, the new strategy was launced during the 3rd World Irrigation Forum (supporting event 7), which held on September 3, 2019 in Nusa Dua - Bali, Indonesia. The Supporting event 7 "Powerful alliance: Multi-stakeholders Platform (MSP) contributions on food and water security processes in Asia" has brought together 3 different cases from Indonesia, Bangladesh, and China on how a multi-stakeholder platform can contribute in food and water security in the country.

GWP Partners Ready to ‘Bring the Change’

The 2020 GWP Network Meeting concluded on 22 October, with over 900 GWP Partners signed up for the virtual event and others watching the Facebook Live feed. The overall theme was ‘Bringing the Change’ in the context of the GWP 2020-2025 Strategy and as the world faces a pandemic.

Despite the difficult new reality that GWP Partners face due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the discussion in the Network Meeting was generally positive when looking to the future. Many Partners shared experiences on how new opportunities have emerged as a result of the pandemic. One example was the virtual meetings (such as the Network Meeting itself) which enables greater inclusion in discussions and deeper interregional collaboration.

read the story from the global session here; and finds out the result from the EURASIA continental session here.

Mobilising communities to manage floods in north-western Thailand

 The new publication, “Mobilising Change Makers”, are a collection that illustrate GWP’s water and climate resilience outcomes from 2011 to 2019, giving an overview of changes that have improved livelihoods and made communities more climate resilient. As one of the network in our region, the Thailand Water Partnership story on 'Mobilising communities to manage floods in north-western Thailand' was discussed briefly on this report.

Through the Water, Climate and Development Programme (WACDEP), Thailand Water Partnership mobilised local governments to share knowledge with communities. The region now has a flood early warning system that helps communities to plan ahead and protect themselves.



Learn more about

GWP-SEA IWRM Knowledge-Hub

The Global Water Partnership Southeast Asia (GWP-SEA) IWRM Knowledge Hub is a micro-site which will provide one-stop e-knowledge on IWRM related topic in Southeast Asia.

The site consists of several sections such as:

  • Keep updates with the recent GWP-SEA news, newsletter, and e-clipping
  • Digital Library
  • Country's IWRM Profiles
  • Toolbox
  • Courses & Events