Consultancy: Development of Bankable Investment Portfolio for Financing Climate Change Projects in the Dominican Republic

The Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) are a powerful framework for laying out priorities for national climate action, with the potential to guide priorities such as building climate resilience and climate-resilient infrastructure. They can be developed into country-level strategies and/or approaches for mobilising finance for climate resilient infrastructure programmes and projects and for enhancing the necessary policy and regulatory frameworks. The first window of opportunity ahead is the submission of new or updated NDCs in 2020.

It is within this context that the Global Water Partnership (GWP) through the Global Water Partnership-Caribbean (GWP-C) is supporting the Government of the Dominican Republic to develop investment-ready portfolios of technically sound and economically viable projects for climate change adaptation and mitigation at basin level. This will support and inform, the country’s submission for the second round of NDCs. These activities are part of the Climate Action Enhancement Package from the NDC Partnership.

The Consultancy

The GWP-C is seeking a Consultant to develop an investment-ready portfolio of (minimum 5) technically sound and economically viable climate change projects at basin-level in the Dominican Republic. The primary focus of this activity will be on adaptation, though mitigation projects with strong adaptation components.

Download the Terms of Reference for the Consultancy here, which provides a deatiled description of the scope and requirements of the assignement.

The following supporting documents should also be downloaded to provide gudiance on the Consultancy:

GWP Organisation’s Standard Conditions for Consulting Services

Invitation to Tender

Consultancy Contract Template/Agreement

Interested persons should carefully review all relevant Consultancy documents/downloads. Applicants are required to submit a technical and financial proposal for the services required to by Friday, September 11th, 2020.

Financial proposals should include all financial costs to be borne by the consultant / firm for undertaking the assignment. ONLY proposals under consideration will be contacted within two (2) weeks after the deadline date has passed.