
/ Eastern Africa

Kenya Consultation Identifies Five Priority Areas for Water

Kenya organized the national consultations on water for the post-2015 development agenda at the Kenya Institute of Water in Nairobi on 14 March 2014. More than 30 participants from cross sectoral organizations attended the meeting, which was supported by GWP Eastern Africa.

Kenya Consultation Identifies Five Priority Areas for Water

Kenya organized the national consultations on water for the post-2015 development agenda at the Kenya Institute of Water in Nairobi on 14 March 2014. More than 30 participants from cross sectoral organizations attended the meeting, which was supported by GWP Eastern Africa.

/ Eastern Africa

Ugandan Minister Briefs Country Consultation on Water Issues

The second round of Uganda national consultations on water in the post-2015 development agenda took place on the 18 March 2014, in Kampala, Uganda. The meeting was graced by the chief guest, Prof Ephrem Kamuntu, Minister of Water Resources and Environment, who highlighted the issue of water security.

/ Eastern Africa

Gold Might be Cheaper than Water in the Future—Prof Heralds

The Regional Inter-University Knowledge Sharing Workshop kicked off in Uganda’s capital Kampala, December, 5th 2012, participants urged for sustainable water resources management as a means to reverse the continuing water scarcity in the region.