Asia-Africa Inter-regional Sharing

GWP knowledge and expertise was shared with an IUCN-Asia delegation that visited the Nile Basin Initiative Secretariat in Entebbe, Uganda, on 12 September 2011. GWP Eastern Africa presented its work on IWRM processes.

The delegation also heard from GWP Technical Committee member Patricia Wouters on “Water Security: Global, regional and local challenges” and Technical Committee member Claudia Sadoff presented the South Asia Water Initiative and the Abu Dhabi Dialogues. Dr. Khondaker Azharul Haq, Executive Committee member from GWP Bangladesh, gave a perspective on transboundary issues with a history on shared waters between India and Pakistan.

“The potential for inter-regional partnerships are a hidden resource yet to be fully realized across the GWP network to support learning between river basins especially in face of changing climate and demographic trends,” said Simon Thuo, GWP Eastern Africa Coordinator.