The video was launched on March 15 in the run-up to World Water Day (March 22) when much of the world’s attention is focused on water issues.
Please watch the video by clicking here or going to our YouTube channel. We hope you like it and send it on to friends and colleagues.
Of course, the anniversary is not just about a video. Our 20th anniversary comes at a turning point in the global development agenda. Since its inception in 1996, GWP has advocated for water resources to be a high priority of the development agenda – because water is connected to virtually every area of human life: health, economic growth, energy, food, transport, education, ecosystems, manufacturing, even peace.
Now water resources has its place within the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development with a Sustainable Development Goal (SDG #6). GWP will build on its 20 years of impact and experience by looking ahead to the next 20, working for the implementation of all the water-related SDGs – a message that is also communicated in the video. We have articulated that role in a strategic positioning paper, GWP: a key global asset.
Thank you for your partnership!