Surveys show mixed progress

GWP Eastern Africa (GWP-EA), in collaboration with AMCOW and with funding from the AfDB, ran a survey of 12 countries to assess the state of IWRM planning and implementation.

The three-month initiative gave participating countries the opportunity to review policies, laws, institutional frameworks and management instruments, as well as to assess achievements against milestones and highlight constraints to implementation.

The surveys indicate that Africa is committed to an integrated approach and that GWP provides a credible, neutral, and multistakeholder platform. Results showed progress in developing IWRM, but with varied achievements across the region.

Five countries have approved water policies – although only two fully address IWRM issues – and three others have draft policies awaiting parliamentary approval. Only Uganda showed evidence of an effective coordinating body, while five other countries were developing similar groups. Three countries had national water management plans already, and five others were at the development stage.