GWPEA Supported the Concept Development Workshop for Kenya Water National Adaptation Plan

GWP has been implementing the Water, Climate and Development Program for Africa (WACDEP) as part of the work plan of the African Union’s African Ministerial Council on Water (AMCOW). The First Phase of WACDEP has been implemented in 8 countries and 5 transboundary basins in Africa. AMCOW, during the Africa Water Week in July 2016 in Tanzania, endorsed WACDEP to be expanded to additional 10 countries. Kenya is one of the countries selected for the second phase of WACDEP. WACDEP in Kenya is being implemented to support emerging priorities of the country on climate change, financing, sustainable development goals and investment preparation. It will be linked to the National Adaptation Planning (NAP) Process, particularly focusing on Water.

GWP Eastern Africa and the Ministry of Water and Irrigation (Kenya) agreed to collaborate (GWP being a delivery partner) in developing and submitting proposal to the Green Climate Fund (GCF) focusing on the fast track window of Readiness and Preparatory Support Program that includes support for NAP processes. This process will be undertaken in partnership with other departments in the country, for example, Climate Change Department. It is in this vein that a workshop was organized from 04-08th September in Machakos, Kenya

 GWPEA Consultant, Professor Francis Mutua of the University of Nairobi, presented the stocktaking report & recommendations to advance NAP process. The main objective of the stocktaking is to help GWPEA in developing a stocktaking report and recommendations to advance the Water-NAP process in Kenya. The broader scope of the stocktaking process involved:

-Analyzing the national context for Water-NAP advancement

-Analyzing the strengths, weaknesses and gaps of the existing climate change adaptation frameworks in the water sector in the Kenya

-Identification of the strategic areas for the Water-NAP (Main recommendations)

The Consultant reviewed some documents during this process including: The Kenya Constitution 2010, Chapter 5, Part 2 on Environment and Natural Resources, The Kenya Vision 2030 – Popular Version, Medium Term Plans (MTPs) of the Kenya Vision 2030, Kenya Water Act 2016, Kenya Climate Change Act 2016 and the National Water Master Plan (2016- 2030) among others

The process also involved review of GWPs approach (WACDEP), GCF Readiness Support program, ongoing projects and programs on climate change actions in Kenya and major Water and Climate Change related programs in Kenya.

The conclusion was that a Water-NAP needs to be developed to facilitate a coordinated, coherent and effective response to the climate change challenges and opportunities presented by the cross-cutting nature of the water sector. After the presentation, the team agreed that a Theory of Change was required. It was noted that in line with GCF requirements, the concept must be transformative, innovative & bankable Therefore, the Water NAP concept must have Theory of change. The interventions must be clearly visible and activities must be linked to outputs & outcomes.

 The next step is to draft a concept in line with the Theory of Change. This concept will then be shared with a wider group of stakeholders for validation before finalization and presentation to the National Treasury which is the NDA for GCF funding in Kenya. GWPEA and GWP will also be involved in every step of the process.