- 1. Background
Global Water Partnership (GWP) Eastern Africa is currently composed of nine Country Water Partnerships (Burundi, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Somalia, Sudan, and Uganda) and counts over 200 partners operating in these Countries. GWPEA works with these country water partnerships to address water security issues and environmental challenges such as droughts, floods, food insecurity, climate change and water insecurity in collaboration with mandated government institutions.
Global Water Partnership Uganda (GWP-U) is a country level multi- stakeholder network of Global Water Partnership partners operating in Uganda working towards improving governance and the sustainable use and management of water resources through integrated Resources Management Approach. The network has a membership of about 66 institutions composed of government institution, Civil Society Organizations, Non-Government Organizations, professional associations, research institutions local government, academic institutions, religious institutions, women and youth organizations and is supervised by the GWPEA regional secretariate.
Global Water Partnership, UNICEF, Sanitation and Water for All (SWA) with the Ministry of Water and Environment of Uganda and other development partners are implementing a 3.5-year Program titled “Global Water Leadership in a Changing Climate (GWL) “funded by Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Organization from UK government.
The GWL Programme focuses on implementing inclusive, climate resilient water policies and strategies in low and middle-income countries and Uganda is among the selected countries. The GWL Programme is being implemented through a strategic collaboration between GWP, UNICEF, SWA, JMP, and WHO. The programme runs from May 2021 until August 2024.
The objective of the GWL programme is to strengthen leadership and collaboration in water resources and WASH governance at national and global levels, in addition to supporting the enabling environment for resilient and sustainable WASH services. The programme will utilize data and analyze the status of water resources management and WASH services to strengthen systems and the enabling environment and to support the development of a coherent climate rationale for the water and WASH sectors. The programme will also support the water and WASH sectors to identify opportunities for large scale climate financing for climate resilient water and sanitation services and water resources management.
In line with the above, Ministry of Water and Environment, GWPEA together with Uganda Water Partnership through GWL-Programme, are organizing a 2-day event to launch and conduct initial stakeholder consultations of the program.
- 2. Meeting Objectives:
The objectives of the meeting are the following;
- To launch GWL programme in Ugandan
- To create awareness about the GWL programme among stakeholders in Uganda.
- To identify bottlenecks impeding progress in climate resilient IWRM and WASH and definition of strategies for overcoming those bottlenecks, including those to leverage financing,
- Formation of the working groups and establish a task force of the country Water partnership, UNICEF and key mandated institutions to support the consultative process.
- Create awareness on application of the Water tracker in conducting surveys that provide intelligence to impact decision-making and encourage the emergence of water leadership.
- 3. Methodology
The meeting be hybrid. Different stakeholders from ministries, CSOs, Uganda Water Partnership Members, UNICEF and others will be invited pre. In morning the meeting focus on the inception meeting /launch of the Programme in Uganda. It will introduce the Programme to the stakeholders. In the afternoon It will proceed with stakeholder consultations for both physical virtual. The organizing team will ensure gender balance in representation of participants.
The approach to stakeholder consultations will be participatory. It will involve sharing experiences, challenges and recommendations from key institutions and presentation on a “snapshot” (Situation analysis of WASH and IWRM in Uganda). This analysis will be used to guide the identification of barriers and Formation/strengthening thematic working groups where the implementation strategy/plan for each working group will be discussed and agreed on although more people can join later as desired.
2-3 Bottlenecks will be identified and categorized into thematic areas which will be discussed in thematic working groups during consultations.
- 4. Participants
The targeted number is 69 participants and shall include: GWP-U members, Ministry of water and Environment, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Gender and Social Development, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Local government among other partners/stakeholders like international institutions.
- 5. Venue:
The venue of the meeting is Onamo Hotel Kampala, next to Nakasero Hospital.
- 6. Date and Timelines
The meetings will be conducted in 2 days starting from 28th June 2021up to 29th June 2022 and they will run for a full day starting from 8:30AM to 5:00Pm.
- 7. Expected outcomes.
The expected outputs are;
- Ownership and understanding of GWL program by the participants/ partners/Stakeholders
- key bottlenecks identified and agreed upon by stakeholders
- Working groups established
- Preliminary Membership of working groups confirmed
- Frequency of meeting confirmed per working group
- Governance of working groups confirmed
- Immediate next steps confirmed