Southeast AsiaGender

International Women's Day 2016

International Women's Day, is celebrated on March 8 every year. It means different things to different people. In GWP we celebrate the day with sharing the story of successfull women working in the water sector, GWP Southeast Asia, interviewed the new chair of GWP Cambodia, Dr. Solieng Mak to share her experience working in water sector for 15 years.


I’m Solieng MAK, Environment and Natural Resources Planner, from Cambodia. I have been very active in IWRM-based water and related resources development planning (for 15 years).

What would you say are the main challenges in your work as a woman?
1)      Honestly, I observe that, woman likes me, have the same challenge as men have, in my work. Then, it can be a problem or obstacle and can be transferred into potential challenge, particularly for women (as the same as for men) depending on how one perceives that challenge, and her/his power and enabling capacity to manage and overcome it.

What have you done to overcome these obstacles/challenges?
2)      I treat the challenges and problems as a way of life and as much as possible turn them into opportunities. Then, simply, as a critical thinker and people-centered developer, I apply holistic and integrated approach to understand and deal with challenges. I do have developed power and enabling capacity to be resilient with challenges and impacts. Thank you for opportunity to be interviewed.
Happy International's Women Day to All!