Southeast AsiaEcosystems EnergyIWRMNexus

Multi-Stake holders Dialogue on Water Security Issues Focusing on Climate Resilience Aspect


GWP Myanmar (MmWP) held a Multi-Stake holders Dialogue on Water Security Issues Focusing on Climate Resilience Aspect on 2nd June 2014 at Yangon. Water security issues are the most important issues related to sustainable national development where sharing of experiences, knowledge, and lessons learnt and awareness raising in this context among public-private participation are essential to achieve the prosperous national goals and needs. Water is a key to sustainable development and GWP Myanmar have a shared responsibility for protecting the water security issues focusing on water and climate resilience. The impacts of extreme climate events such as drought and floods through water are faced by the people now.




In the dialogue, glossary of the terms from technical background document, Global and Climate Programmed were distributed to the forty three participants. Thirty five participants from sixteen different government organizations and the rest are from Myanmar Water partnership (MmWP) members, universities, social organizations, NGOs and INGOs. The dialogue was organized by MmWP and Irrigation Department, Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation of the Union of Myanmar with sponsorship support from GWP SEA. The dialogue program has broadcasted in Myanmar language in the Myanmar Radio and Television 4 in the nation.



Water Security Issues Focusing on Climate Resilience, Impacts of Climate Change Mitigation Fostering Water Security, Climate Change Impacts on Water Resources and Adaptation, Strengthening Climate Resilience: The Southeast Asian Experience topics were presented from the MmWP members at the dialogue. On the presented topics the participants from various sectors, different water users, different levels discuss and share their knowledge, lesson learn and awareness raising in water security issues and agree to act together towards to achieve the mutual benefits and also to promote Incorporate water security in the IWRM works and climate related policies and plans in nation development policies and plans for the decision makers. Promoting and increasing participative capacities will help to deliver benefits in all areas, including collaborative water security and climate resilience in central and local government units, and NGOs.