News & Events

/ West Africa

Technical Workshops on the AIP Scorecard

The African Ministers' Council on Water (AMCOW) Governing Council adopted in February 2019, the decision to transform Africa's water investment prospects through enhanced partnerships and the implementation of the African Water Investment Programme (AIP) to achieve the African Union (AU) Agenda 2063 in collaboration with the African Union Commission (AUC), the NEPAD Agency, the African Development Bank (AfDB) and the African Water Facility (AWF).
/ West Africa

Assessing plans, policies and guidelines related to long-term flood and drought management in the Volta basin

The World Meteorological Organization (WMO), the Volta Basin Authority (VBA) and Global Water Partnership West Africa (GWP-WA) are implementing the project "Integrating Flood and Drought Management and Early Warning for Climate Change Adaptation in the Volta Basin (VFDM)" funded by the Adaptation Fund. The project activities, which started in June 2019, are ongoing and will be completed by mid-2023.
/ West Africa

VFDM holds second session of its Technical Advisory Committee

On May 06, 2022, the second session of the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) of the Project "Integrating Flood and Drought Management and Early Warning for Climate Change Adaptation in the Volta Basin" (VFDM Project) was held in Cotonou, Benin.
/ West Africa

TFTC Togo marks Earth Day Celebration

A training session was organised on 22 April by the management team of the project TonFuturTonClimat in Togo to commemorate Earth Day.
/ West Africa

WACDEP-G Benin, demonstration project launched

The Climate Resilience Investment Demonstration Project for Water Security and Climate Resilience under the AIP WACDEP-G Programme was launched on 27 April 2022 at the Hotel Quidata in Tanguiéta, Benin.
/ West Africa

Supporting VBA to increase risk knowledge through the risk maps and climate scenarios

Increase risk knowledge through the risk maps and climate scenarios developed, to get the involvement and engagement of stakeholders through an improved awareness of disaster risk assessment and risk modelling for floods and droughts in the Volta basin, this is the general objective of the series of 6 national workshops organized in the Volta basin riparian countries throughout the month of April 2022.
/ West Africa

GWP-WA and OSS supporting Mono basin for stronger climate resilience

GWP-WA was one of the first institution to show its willingness to support the Mono Basin Authority (MBA) achieve its mandate of sustainably managing the natural resources of the basin by signing a MoU. Communities in the Mono Basin exposed to climate risks, including floods, need their means of adaptation and resilience to climate change to be strengthened through the implementation of the integrated water resources and flood management approach.
/ West Africa

TFTC 2 in Togo trains on agroecological practices

In Kpélé, Togo, 20 delegates designated by beneficiaries were trained as trainers on agroecological practices so to allow them give feedback when they are back in their respective communities.