News & Events

/ West Africa

Tripartite partnership CWP-SUA & NIYEL to promote hygiene practices in Benin

In March 2020, CWP-Benin, and Speak Up Africa (SUA) signed a partnership agreement for a grant of approximately Three million (3,000,000) CFA francs over a period from March to August 2020. This fund is intended to carry out a plea for a better management of the sanitation issue in Benin.
/ West Africa

Burkina Faso NDA organizes structured dialogue

The National Designated Authority (NDA) of Burkina Faso organized on 20 February 2020, the second National Structured Dialogue on the Green Climate Fund (GFC) in Ouagadougou. The overall objective was to strengthen the synergy of actions between stakeholders for a greater mobilization of Green Climate Fund financing for the benefit of Burkina Faso.

CWP Mali holds Steering Committee meeting

Mali CWP held its first Steering Committee for the year on 16 January 2020 in Bamako. Discussions included exchanges on the CWP annual progress report, examine and adopting the 2020 work plan drawn from the 2019-2022 triennial plan as well as the preparations for the organization of the general assembly of the CWP partners.
/ West Africa

Mali CWP develops an IWRM directory

The Country Water Partnership (CWP) of Mali is very much in line in the implementation of IWRM in the country. After sensitizing various categories of actors, the CWP has recruited a consultant to develop provisional IWRM directory report. The consultant was asked to draw up a document called IWRM Directory on good water management practices in the different sectors.
/ West Africa

Burkina Faso, TFTC sensitize school students on the importance of protecting environment and good hygiene practices

CWP-BF facilitated an awareness-raising session for students on environmental protection and human health in partnership with GWP-WA and IWS as part of the implementation of the TonFuturTonClimat pilot project funded by the Government of Quebec. This awareness session aimed at strengthening the technical capacities of the beneficiaries of the village of Ramitenga and surrounding areas was held on 05 February 2020 in the primary schools of Ramitenga and Goué.