News & Events

/ West Africa

Benin, implementation of the OmiDelta governance project

The OmiDelta project implementing partners signed the Memorandum of Understanding for the implementation of the project on 22 February 2019 in the conference room of CWP Benin. The Benin Country Water Partnership (PNE-Benin), the Association to fight against Racism, Ethnocentrism and Regionalism (Association de Lutte Contre le Racisme, l'Ethnocentrisme et le Régionalisme -ALCRER) and the Benin Social Watch Network (SW-B) promote citizen monitoring at the national level and in the municipalities.
/ West Africa

Hygiene promotion and environmental protection, Eau Vive trains women in Togo

Eau Vive Togo has trained women and local development committees on the promotion of good hygiene and sanitation practices and environmental protection from 26 to 28 February 2019 in Danyi-Apéyéme (Togo). The activity is carried out as part of its project to support young people in protecting the environment, water and soil (PAJPEES).
/ West Africa

Eau Vive Togo trains young people to better manage their association

About forty young people, members of the beneficiary’s associations of the project #TonFutureTonClimat and members of the local development committees were trained on the good management of an association including proper keeping of administrative and accounting documents, the preparation of texts of an association and the sale of agricultural products.
/ West Africa

GWP-WA supports national drought plans development in Benin, Burkina Faso and Niger

The governments of Benin, Burkina Faso and Niger have committed to develop their national drought plans in the framework of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD). The UNCCD adopted in Paris on 17 June 1994 is one of the three Rio Conventions adopted by 193 countries including Benin, Burkina Faso and Niger. Like other countries, the three (3) West African countries have committed to develop a national drought plan as part of the first phase of the UNCCD drought initiative.
/ West Africa

CWP Benin promotes IWRM in the Mekrou and Pendjari sub-basins

The CWP-Benin with the experiences of its network in IWRM promotion and strong involvement in the implementation of the "Water for Growth and Poverty reduction in the Mekrou Transboundary Basin" or Mekrou Project and the achievements made, is supporting GIZ in the Phase 2 of the Water, Hygiene and Sanitation Programme (ProSEHA) to achieve the results of component B of the programme.
/ West Africa

CWP Guinea prepares a public conference on IWRM

On January 29, 2019 the Country Water Partnership of Guinea had a preparatory meeting on the public debate on the theme "Integrated water resources management, what an innovative approach for quality management?" scheduled for February 02 at Mahatma Gandhi University in Conakry.