News & Events

/ West Africa

GWP WA on groundwater at the Forum of Bamako

The 18th session of the Bamako Forum was held on 22 to 24 February 2018 around the topic “Land use planning in the Sahel-Saharan region: a factor for security, development and peace ".
/ West Africa

GWP WA chair on Sanitation and IWRM at AFWA Congress

Professor Amadou Hama MAIGA was one of the presenters during the 19th Congress of the African Water Association (AfWA) held in Bamako from 11 to 16 February 2018. “Sanitation and Integrated Water Resources Management -IWRM” was the topic of the communication made by GWP WA chair.
/ West Africa

GWP WA at IUCN PAGE programme SC meeting

The International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Central and West Africa Programme held the steering committee meeting of its programme Partnership for environmental governance in West Africa (PAGE) on 16 February 2018 in Ouagadougou.
/ West Africa

Regional Water Integrity workshop held

The Water Integrity Network (WIN) organized a one-day regional meeting in the premises of GWP WA on 22 February. It has been some ten years since WIN started its activities in West Africa in collaboration with GWP-WA, VBA, ECOWAS/WRCC and countries among others.
/ West Africa

Niger, exchanges on Lake Chad

The chair and permanent secretary of the Country Water Partnership (CWP) Niger took part in the "National consultation workshop on the BIOPALT project - Biosphere and Lake Chad Heritage", on 12 and 13 February 2017 in Niamey.

Mali: The Sourou Basin in search of a development plan

To ensure the sustainable management of water resources in the Sourou Basin (Volta affluent), the Joint Support Programme for Water Resources Management (PCA-GIRE) organized a workshop on 27 February 2018 on the development of a water management and development plan (Sage).
/ West Africa

Mali: alert, Niger River reaches its lowest level in 30 years

In 2017, water distress increased in Mali, a situation which alerted the Water Management Commission of the Sélingué reservoir and Markala dam (CGESM) to convene a third meeting since the beginning of 2018. This was on Wednesday 21 February 2018 in Ségou, at the direction of the Office du Niger.