Benin prepares the official launch of the project

As a prelude to the launch of the TFTC Phase 2 at country level, CWP-Benin organized on May 26 an information session for the communal actors of Tanguiéta on the content of the project.

The objectives of this session were i) to provide information on the project #TONFUTURTONCLIMAT 2 in order to its ownership  by the communal actors and ii) to exchange on the accompaniment of the town hall of Tanguiéta to facilitate the implementation of the said project. The meeting was chaired by the mayor and was attended by some councilors of the town hall, members of the Local Water Committee of Tchoutchoubou, members of the Communal Hygiene and Sanitation Association, the Executive Secretariat of CWP-Benin, a delegation of the Local Water Partnership (PLE) Atacora-Donga and some executives of the town hall.

This was an opportunity to recall that the project #TONFUTURTONCLIMAT implemented in three countries namely Togo, Burkina Faso and Benin seeks to strengthen the capacity of youth associations and to equip young people (18-35 years) of these countries to become promoters of innovative ideas to respond sustainably to issues related to climate change and support local economic development. In Benin, the project will be implemented through the initiative "Mobilization of youth associations for better management of water resources of the micro-basin of Tchoutchoubou in the Pendjari basin" and aims to improve the sustainable management of natural resources and related to the micro-basin of Tchoutchoubou in the Pendjari sub-basin through a strong involvement of youth.

Satisfied with the initiative, the mayor mentioned that phase 2 of the #TONFUTURTONCLIMAT project is an opportunity for the Tanguiéta City Hall whose support and commitment will not be bargained. He invited the Tanguiéta Community Hygiene and Sanitation Association (ACHA), the Local Water Committee (CLE) of the Tchoutchoubou micro-basin, the various chiefs of the neighborhoods that are within the scope of this micro-basin, as well as the departments of the town hall concerned, to accompany and facilitate the implementation of the project.