CWP Mali involves parliamentarians to accelerate IWRM implementation

"Accelerate progress in the implementation of IWRM to achieve SWA commitments in Mali" is the topic of “parliamentary day” organized by the CWP Mali to involve the National Assembly.

The main objective of this parliamentary day was to contribute to the effective implementation of the SWA commitments by Mali. The event took place on 18 December 2019 in Bamako to specifically:

  • recall the SWA commitments;
  • exchange on the level of implementation of the SWA commitments and identify the obstacles that currently limit the progress in achieving the WASH targets (taking stock of drinking water and Integrated Water Resources Management);
  • advocate to decision-makers on the need to take concrete measures to reduce inequalities in the access to water, sanitation and hygiene.
  • exchange on the priority measures to be taken for a better consideration of the IWRM approach.

This parliamentary day brought together almost all the representatives of the parliamentary groups of the National Assembly of Mali, namely: the Water and Sanitation Parliamentary Network, the Water Parliamentary Group, the Education Parliamentary Group, the Environment Parliamentary Group, the Finance Parliamentary Group, the SDG Parliamentary Group, etc. In addition to the parliamentarians, the technical services of the State, the civil society and the media took part in the day.

Recommendations of the day include:

  • including Parliamentarians in the National Water and Sanitation for All (SWA) Commission;
  • strengthening the monitoring of the quality of wastewater and water in mining areas;
  • ensuring compliance with international regulations banning the use of mercury; 
  • involving parliamentarians in the different phases of the projects for a better appropriation and information of the beneficiary populations;
  • ensuring that the national strategy for drinking water supply is respected by all stakeholders (participatory approach and demand-driven approach, etc.).