GWP-WA is preparing the implementation of the IUCN’s PREE in Central and West Africa

Global Water Partnership has been identified as a strategic partner for the implementation of the Regional Partnership on Water and Environment in Central and West Africa known as the PREE project.

A partnership agreement was signed between IUCN and GWP-WA for the implementation of some activities of the PREE financed by the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA).

In March, GWP-WA has been working on exchanging with GWP-CAf to plan the different activities and elaborating the concept notes as well as the terms of reference of the various activities to be carried out. Exchange sessions were held between GWP-WA and GWP-CAf to learn more on each region and to adjust the concept notes and terms of reference to the regional realities. The various partners for the implementation of the different activities have been identified and working sessions are ongoing with them to discuss the implementation of the activities.

PREE is a regional project built on the achievements of previous IUCN projects and those of the various regional institutions and countries whose major challenges are: (i) the integrated management of water resources and associated ecosystems in West Africa and in the Lake Chad basins and the Fouta Djalon Massif; (ii) the management of conflicts related to water and associated ecosystems; (iii) climate change; and (iv) capacity building of sub-regional integration institutions and transboundary basin organizations in West and Central Africa. It will be implemented in the Volta, Niger, Senegal, Mono and Lake Chad basins and the Fouta Djalon Highland. The project aims primarily at strengthening the resilience of natural ecosystems and local communities in these river and lake basins. The overall objective of the project is to "strengthen the resilience of natural ecosystems and local communities in the river and lake basins of West and Central Africa".

April will see the start of the roadmap for the implementation of the sub-activities of the PREE activities.