GWP-WA trains on mainstreaming gender equality in IWRM implementation and monitoring

As part of the implementation of the Regional Partnership on Water and Environment in Central and West Africa (PREE) project, GWP West & Central Africa and IUCN Regional Offices for Central and West Africa organized a regional training workshop on the theme "Concepts, approaches and tools for mainstreaming Gender in IWRM Implementation and Monitoring and Evaluation" from 5 to 7 May 2021 in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.

IUCN, with the financial support of the Swedish International Development Agency (Sida) in partnership with GWP, intends to support the Regional Economic Communities (RECs), Transboundary Basin Organizations (TBOs), National Water Agencies and Local Water Committees to strengthen the implementation of IWRM by better taking into account gender in the approach.

The promotion of gender is identified as an important approach to successful IWRM implementation. Two of the four principles of IWRM defined in Dublin and confirmed in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, recognize the central role that women play in the provision, management and preservation of water on the one hand; and on the other hand, the need to ensure their effective participation, and that of other stakeholders in any water sector development process.

About fifty participants took part in the regional training workshop including representatives of transboundary basin organizations, representatives of national structures in charge of IWRM, representatives of Regional Economic Communities, representatives of the General Directorates of the National Water Agencies of Burkina as well as representatives of their local water committees (CLE), managers of IWRM and climate projects and national authorities in charge of the Environment and Sustainable Development in Burkina. Technical Staff and representatives of supported mandated national institutions for the Programme WACDEP-G (Benin, Cameroon, Central and West Africa) and the Climate Change Adaptation and Youth Project TFTC 2 (Benin, Burkina Faso and Togo) attended as the regional training workshop.  

Great satisfaction was expressed by all participants who committed to applied new acquired knowledge in their daily works to improve IWRM implementation with gender mainstreaming.