Mekrou project validate first studies reports

The Ministry of Water and Sanitation (MHA) through the Permanent Secretariat of PANGIRE, in collaboration with the Global Water Partnership in West Africa (GWP-WA) and the Country Water Partnership of Niger (CWP-Niger), has organised a regional workshop for the restitution and validation of the first results of the missions on the:

- Finalization and operationalization of the water development and management plan (SAGE) of the Mekrou sub-basin in Niger and definition of pilot implementation initiatives.

- Setting up, operationalisation, animation and monitoring of the functioning of the integrated water resources management bodies in the Mekrou sub-basin in Niger.

The two missions and this workshop are part of the implementation of the activities of the project "Water for Growth and Poverty Reduction in the Mekrou sub-basin of Niger" or Mekrou Project Phase 2-Niger.

This workshop took place on 26 and 27 October 2021 in Dosso, Niger.

The participants to the workshop amended the draft versions of the first deliverables of the missions.

About 35 participants took part in the Dosso workshop including representatives of national and regional government structures, mayors of the project's intervention municipalities or their representatives, technical and financial partners in the region, the Project's implementing partners, representatives of the associations of water users of the sub-basin, representatives of the non-governmental organisations intervening in the project area and the consultants.