Presentation of the project

The main objective of the "Water for Growth and Poverty Reduction in the Mekrou Sub-Basin in Niger - Mekrou Project Phase 2 - NIGER" is to "support green economic growth and poverty reduction in the portions of the Nigerien territory located in the Mekrou River Basin and its area of influence through integrated and concerted water management in developing areas".

The specific objectives (SO) are  to:
- OS1: elaborate the Water Development and Management Plan (SAGE) of the national portion of the transboundary basin of the Mekrou River in Niger, in coherence with the Master Plan for Water Development and Management (SDAGE) of the whole transboundary basin;
- OS2: contribute to improving knowledge and management of water resources in the priority sub-basin of the Mekrou River and its area of influence in Niger, in accordance with the National Action Plan for Integrated Water Resources Management (PANGIRE 2017-2030) of Niger;
- OS3: Contribute to the implementation of priority activities identified and retained in the SAGE of the national portion of the transboundary basin of the Mekrou River in Niger, the Program for the implementation of measures related to water resources and ecosystem management (Basic Orientation 2) of the SDAGE of the transboundary basin of the Mekrou River;
- OS4: Contribute to the establishment and strengthening of IWRM bodies in Niger, in accordance with Niger's IWRM PANGIRE.

The project is a continuation of the Mekrou Project Phase 1, "Water for Growth and Poverty Alleviation in the Transboundary Mekrou Basin (Burkina Faso, Benin and Niger)", funded by the European Commission (EC), prepared and implemented from 2014 to 2017 jointly by the Global Water Partnership (GWP), GWP-WA and the EC Joint Research Center (JRC), in close collaboration with the Regional Agro-Hydro-Meteorological Center (AGRHYMET), the main national partners of the 3 countries concerned and the Niger Basin Authority (NBA).