Establishing a Local Water manangement Comity for Massili

The Country Water Partnership of Burkina Faso (CWP Burkina) has supported the establishment of the Local Water Committee of the Massili (CLE- Massili ) to help in a shared vision for the management of resource water in this sub basin of the Nakanbé River. This action was made possible as part of the collaboration with the Nakanbé Water Agency (AEN).

The CLE- Massili covers a surface area of km2 3450.5 including 18 municipalities among whom 3 are urban and the remaining are rural ones of a total population estimated at 1,524,280 inhabitants in 3 regions: Centre, the Central Plateau and the West Central.
There are several small dams built in this area for various uses including water supply, agriculture among others. Some of these dams already have local management structures as the Local Water Committees (CLE) around the dams in Loumbila and Gaskay . At the request of the Nakanbé Water Agency the CWP Burkina in the framework of the implementation of the Water Climate and Development Programme (WACDEP) funded a diagnostic study for the establishment of a unique management structure in the sub-basin in accordance with the water management policy in Burkina Faso on the organization of CLE set up in the sub -basins. This study identified the concerns of the stakeholders who expressed the need for such a structure. A Constitutive General Assembly of the Local Water Committee (CLE) of Massilli was convened on December 17 . Participants to the Assembly elected an executive board of 13 members and a control unit of 3 members.
According to the regulations governing these structures, the CLE Massili will initiate and support at the sub-basin level the development, the promotion, the protection and the restoration of water resources in relation to the relevant local structures, including the development and implementation of  the development and management plan for water resources. It will help develop synergy in consultation and horizontal and vertical actions with other water management bodies It will also give an opinion on the Nakanbé Water Agency’s projects in the sub basin and supervise local conflicts over water use among others.
The official ceremony for the installation of the Executive Office of the CLE was attended by the Director General of the Nakanbé Water Agency, representatives of the mayor of the town of Ouagadougou, of the Governors of the Central Plateau and the Central West.
Since December 2012 WACDEP has allowed CWP Burkina to provide substantial support to several local and national structures such as the Permanent Secretariat of the Action Plan for the Integrated Water Resources Management (SP / PAGIRE), the Permanent Secretariat of the national Council on Environment and Sustainable Development (SP / CONEDD) through the National Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change (NAP) via the NAPA.

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