News and Activities

Read below for news and activities relating to the GWP SAS region

/ South Asia

Unveiling the Regional Strategy on Drought Risk Management and Mitigation for South Asia locally

Following the launch of Regional Strategy on Drought Risk Management and Mitigation for South Asia at the 16th Session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 16) to the UNCCD which was held on 10 December 2024, the countries of GWP SAS conducted mini-launches and key stakeholder consultations locally. The key stakeholder consultations around the strategy facilitated identifying the national level priorities that should be developed into action plans by keeping the regional strategy as the guide.
/ South Asia

Two days training for the South Asian government counterparts on GIS and Remote Sensing technologies for mapping water storage

The fifth cohort meeting and the Progress Meeting of Bhutan of the Built Water Storage, South Asia project were held back-to-back from 27 to 30 August 2024 in Paro, Bhutan. The focuses of these gatherings were to present the Bhutan Cohort on the Policy and Institutional Study of Water Storage and Water Storage mapping on Bhutan and to provide hands-on experience for all the cohort members on the application of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and Remote Sensing technologies to map and assess water storage across diverse landscapes.
/ South Asia

Resource Book: Water Academy for Youth South Asia 2022

This International Youth Day 2024 we celebrate the first cohort of Global Water Partnership South Asia’s (GWP SAS) Water Academy for Youth (WAY) programme participants through the launch of the WAY Resource Book.
/ South Asia

Closing the gap to access climate financing through capacity building on gender policy development of GCF Direct Access Entities in Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka finds it challenging to achieve the overarching goal of the Paris Agreement mainly due to limited financing. The flexible financial solutions offered by the Green Climate Fund (GCF) plays a pivotal role in such instances, for the developing nations to access international climate financing. Yet, Sri Lanka has only one GCF accredited Direct Access Entity (DAE) which further reduces the opportunity to access adequate funding for climate action. The Global Water Partnership South Asia led 2nd Sri Lanka GCF Readiness Project facilitated workshop on Gender Policy Development and Gender Mainstreaming in GCF Activities held targeting pipeline DAEs resulted additional two nominated DAEs successfully submitting their applications to GCF.
/ South Asia

A new Interim Chair for GWP SAS; Mr Sardar Muhhamad Tariq

The Regional Council of GWP SAS nominated the Executive Director/CEO of GWP Pakistan/Pakistan Water Partnership (PWP), Mr Sardar Muhammad Tariq as the new Regional Chair (Interim), starting from 15 January 2024 through the end of the year.