The SDG 6 IWRM Support Programme assists governments in designing and implementing their responses to SDG indicator 6.5.1, the degree of implementation of IWRM, to accelerate progress towards the achievement of water-related SDGs and other development goals. This directly supports the official SDG monitoring and reporting processes, leading to measurable progress on the relevant SDG targets. The Support Programme is structured around 3 stages and offers also specific support on selected thematic priorities.
About IWRM Support

Stage 1
Employs the SDG 6.5.1 national monitoring and reporting frameworks to identify critical areas for attention that hinder progress on IWRM.

Stage 2
Facilitates a government-led multi-stakeholder action planning process to formulate and prioritise appropriate responses to IWRM challenges.

Stage 3
Provides support to countries in implementing the identified IWRM solutions aimed at achieving SDG 6 and other water-related goals .

Thematic support
The Support Programme offers additional support to countries on specific thematic areas to enhance IWRM implementation.