Viet Nam - Management Instruments

Action 5 - Sustainability Assessment for Water Resources of Sre pok, upstream part of lower Mekong River Basin, Vietnam

In 2019, under the lead of the General Directorate of Water Resources of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and with the help of the Vietnam Water Partnership, a series of workshops was organised in Vietnam to define strategic actions for advancing on IWRM. The sessions brought together stakeholders from government agencies, NGOs, development partners, civil society, and research institutions to work on solutions to increase efficiency and sustainable development of water resources. The following action was defined as part of that process and identified as a priority action to be included in an action plan.

The purpose of this action is to improve water safety and sustainability of water resources in the Sre Pok River basin. It aims to achieve this goal by proposing an AHP-based sustainability assessment framework for water resources in the basin with an appropriate set of water resources sustainability components and specific Water Resources Indicators (WRIs). In the long term, completion of this project is expected to contribute to the improvement of the living conditions of vulnerable groups in the Sre Pok River basin area and to the social and economic empowerment of women and their integration in the agricultural sector.

IWRM Dimension: Management Instruments
SDG 6.5.1 Question: 3.1b. Sustainable, efficient use management
Level: National
Status of action: Awaiting funding
Related SDG Goal: - 6.4 Water efficiency