Tanzania - Institutions and Participation

Action 8 - Increase stakeholder awareness of their participatory roles and responsibilities

In 2021 and 2022, the Global Water Partnership (GWP) Tanzania supported the Ministry of Water in Tanzania to develop an IWRM Action Plan. The Ministry identified the Wami-Ruvu basin as a priority basin for the development of an Action Plan.  Specifically, work packages including strategic actions were formulated in collaboration with the Wami-Ruvu Basin Water Board as part of appropriate IWRM responses to some of the prevailing challenges in water resources management in Wami-Ruvu Basin. The result is an Action Plan consisting of four work packages.

This strategic action is part of the work package on capacity building at basin organisation level. This strategic action will contain different steps, including: preparation and operationalisation of proper guidelines on the engagement of stakeholders; increasing the number of stakeholder meetings; establishment of more WUAs and catchment/ sub-catchment committees; MoU between Wami-Ruvu basin and key stakeholders to ensure sustainable implementation of agreed plans; public awareness raising on the importance of water resources management; strengthening coordination among government agencies and other stakeholders involved in management of water resources.

IWRM Dimension: Institutions and Participation
SDG 6.5.1 Question: 2.2b. Public participation - local
Level: Sub-national
Status of action: Awaiting funding
Related SDG Goal: - 6.5 Integrated water resources management & transboundary cooperation, - 6.B WASH local participation
Responsible Agency: Wami-Ruvu Basin Water Board